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GBA Key2Compliance AB

Symbioteq Kvalitet AB and Key2Compliance were founded as two independent companies during the 1990s. Symbioteq focused on consulting in the area of Regulatory and Quality for medical devices and Key2Compliance soon became a leading company in Training and Education in the field of Current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP). After several years of cooperation, the two companies merged in 2020 and formed a joint company called Key2compliance, a company within the Symbioteq group.

As of January 16, 2024, GBA Key2Compliance is proudly part of the GBA Group.

GBA Key2Compliance offers comprehensive and optimized solutions in regulatory compliance. We are a full-service partner offering consulting and training for medical devices, In Vitro Diagnostics, and pharmaceutical companies. Key areas of expertise at Key2Compliance include medical device QA, pharma QA, regulatory affairs, clinical development (CRO), biological safety, as well as training and courses.

We have offices in Stockholm, Lund, Gothenburg and Copenhagen. Please find our local contact details below. 

GBA Key2Compliance AB
Skeppsbron 44
111 30 Stockholm
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