
New web portal on health research in Europe

The Horizon Health web portal (www.horizonhealth.eu) has been officially launched today by Professor Anne Glover, Chief Scientific Advisor, European Commission, in the presence of the communication representatives of leading research institutions in Europe.
The Horizon Health web portal aims to become a valuable online resource for journalists and interested citizens looking for accurate, up-to-date, and attractive information on health research funded by the EU.

”Research not communicated is research not done,” states Professor Anne Glover.”The European Commission is supporting many forward-thinking and cutting-edge research projects that need to be shared with European citizens. The web portal set-up by the CommHERE project is an important milestone that should enable the dissemination of key health-related research results on a European level.”

Studies show that European citizens are interested in learning more about science and medical developments, directly from the researchers [Eurobarometer 2010]. The Horizon Health web portal will help mediate a dialogue: introducing leading scientists and their projects in an attractive and accessible way, and featuring striking images that convey the interest and fascination that drive the research teams. More options and functionalities, such as videos, illustrations and webinars will be added over time to enable a direct interaction and more in-depth understanding.

“The launch of HorizonHealth.eu is a crucial step forward for the CommHERE project,” explains Dr Ulla Bredberg from the Karolinska Institutet, who coordinates the project. “From working on local levels at the CommHERE partner institutions, we now open up and invite all EU health research projects to participate in our communication network.”

The CommHERE project is one of the first communication projects to receive funding from the EU within the 7th Framework Programme on Health. It aims to improve communication on the outcome of EU-funded health research projects, mainly towards the media and the general public, in all of Europe and beyond.

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