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100 years of Festo

The spirit of invention is deeply rooted in our corporate culture. Since our foundation, we have been setting benchmarks by developing innovative solutions that meet the requirements of our customers. Our goal remains unchanged: to make collaboration between people and machines even easier and better.

In April 1925, Albert Fezer and Gottlieb Stoll found the company "Fezer & Stoll", specialising in manufacturing machinery for woodworking. The very next year, they file their first patent for a versatile universal carpentry machine (UCM). The brand name Festo, which was first used to sell products for UCMs, is based on the surnames of the two founders and has stood for innovation ever since. After a few years, Albert Fezer leaves the company and Gottlieb Stoll takes over sole responsibility.

With the support of his wife Berta, he succeeds in developing and expanding the company. From the very beginning, he pursues the principles of rationalisation in the business in order to optimise work processes both in his own company and for his customers.

The company's first head office in Ulmer Straße in Esslingen am Neckar, Germany is built in 1939, with all parts of the business now united under one roof. The production and office space that is created is modern and equipped with the most advanced production machinery and technologies.

Festo sets the world in motion. Join us into the future 

Festo AB
Stillmansgatan 1
212 25 Malmö
Malmö stad
VAT nummer: SE5560912304


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