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Industrial computers from Recab to measure emissions

A great solution created by team play - It is of the highest importance that the computers are able to make the measurements at all times or at the programmed time. If the computers fail the measurements fail and become unreliable.

Industrial computers to solve environment problems
Gas emission specialist FluxSense, based in Gothenburg, Sweden, developed as a spin-off company from Chalmers University of Technology in 2001 and uses unique technology to measure emissions. FluxSense mobile and stationary measurement centers are complex facilities with high demands of reliability for their technical solutions. FluxSense has chosen Recab’s products and services to ensure reliable industrial computers for their applications.

Increasing regulations to improve environmental health 
Gas emissions from anthropogenic (man-made) and biogenic (natural) sources contribute to a wide range of environmental problems. Some examples are climate change, ozone depletion, air pollution, photochemical smog, acidification and eutrophication. Increasing regulations, regulatory oversight, and efforts to improve environmental health have made measurements of emission from production facilities a standard in Europe (CEN). With The Paris Agreement regulations and requirements for proper measurements are spreading across the globe.

Knowledge about the emissions and concentrations of the gases leaving industries are crucial for efficient regulations and abatement measures. Diffuse (non-channeled) emissions from large facilities have, historically, been expensive, troublesome if even possible to measure. This has led to idealized calculations based on models and estimations. Which leads to results far from correct due to inaccurate input of data and algorithms.

The techniques for measure emissions
FluxSense AB is the sole licensee for the Solar Occultation Flux (SOF [Technologoy:SOF])technique and have developed other techniques as well. The SOF technique was developed at Chalmers University. When the requests for usage of the technique grew the company was founded. The technique uses infra-red lights and through optical spectroscopy they study how different gas emissions changes the color of the sunlight.

Emission Quantification, Leak Search, Concentration Mapping, and Air Quality Monitoring
FluxSense AB can therethrough measure the amounts of gas emissions leaving a facility. They can also measure what type of gases the facility is leaking or identify previously unknown gas leaks. Their solution focuses on mainly four services, Emission Quantification, Leak Search, Concentration Mapping, and Air Quality Monitoring.

“In addition of receiving numbers of their emissions in kilograms/hour, which is of interest for both the industries themselves and the authorities, our customers learn their facility and we can find leakages they didn’t know they had. Leakages that can result in a large part of their total emissions.” Oscar Isoz at FluxSense says.

In the beginning, FluxSense AB solely offered services to help measure emissions such as hydrocarbons from industries. During the past two of years, they have expanded their business and developed their solutions to be able to provide their customers with both mobile (customer controlled) and stationary (remotely controlled by FluxSense AB) measurement centers.

High demands for industrial computers
For the first measurement systems they sold they used laptops. The laptops were moved in and out of the cars, a solution that was ineffective and unreliable. Since the measurement system is a complicated system in itself, there is no place for the computers to be a factor of error. Because of this FluxSense started looking into using industrial computers instead. This is when they came in contact with Recab.

– “We needed two simple, yet very reliable computers that could process and conduct these measurements within our mobile and our stationary solutions, Samuel Brohede at FluxSense says. “It is of the highest importance that the computers are able to make the measurements at all times or at the programmed time. If the computers fail the measurements fail and become unreliable, which defeats the whole purpose.”

See full solution at Recab.com 

Welocme to contact us: info@recab.com

Recab Sweden – Main Office
Västberga Allé 5
SE – 126 30 Hägersten
Phone: + 46 8 683 03 00

Recab Denmark                       
Hassellunden 14
DK – 2765 Smørum
Phone + 45 70 300 310

Recab Norway 
Midstranda 51
NO – 2321 Hamar


Recab AB
126 30 Hägersten
Stockholms stad
VAT nummer: SE5566767967


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